Earl Grey Citrus Delight


  • GENISION Citrus Puree: 30g

  • Earl Grey Black Tea: 100g

  • Ice Cubes: 200g

  • Water: 100g

  • Cane Sugar: 15g


  1. Add GENISION Citrus Puree and cane sugar to a cup.

  2. Gradually pour in water and add ice cubes. Stir until well combined.

  3. Pour in Earl Grey Black Tea and continue stirring gently. Serve and enjoy!



About GENISION Citrus Puree:

GENISION Citrus Puree is a meticulously crafted blend of six fruits: passion fruit, lemon, pineapple, apple, orange, and grapefruit. Slow-cooked without adding water, it retains a golden hue and the authentic textures of fruit pulp and fibers, making it an excellent substitute for fresh fruits. This puree offers a symphony of rich, layered flavors, enhancing a variety of culinary creations.